Monday, June 20, 2016

南高梅梳打 kishu ume soda



500 g 南高梅
250-300 g 糖

將梅肉放鍋中,加250g 糖,拌勻,試一試味道,如太酸,多放些糖。
中火煮約15 分鐘,用已消毒的瓶子盛起。

on our recent visit to kyoto, stanley said we had the worst kaiseki. i am quite disappointed actually but still i like a few dishes. as it is summer now and kishu ume is in season, the chef has included a lot of summer ingredients.  a small dish served between courses is one of exception that i quite enjoyed:  a stewed kishu ume, served cold, a tiny little tang and sweet cold broth. it is perfect for summer.

i have cooked some jam with kishu ume and left with a few tablespoon cooked jam.  just three ingredients: soda water, ice and the jam together, it is a pretty refreshing summer drink.

kishu ume jam

500 g kishu ume
250 - 300 g sugar

soak ume with water for 30 minutes. carefully remove the stem from the plum. blanch with hot water for a minute, discard water and repeat.  this is to remove the bitterness of the ume.

remove the peel and stone with a sift. just press the ume towards the sift.  put the mashed ume to a pot, add 250g sugar. if this is too sour add 50 g sugar more and adjust according to your taste. boil 15 minutes or until the jam is thick. laddle hot jam to a sterilized hot bottle and do the usual canning procedures.

for ume soda, put 2 tbsp ume jam, add a can of soda and a lot of ice cubes. sit back, relax and enjoy your summer!

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